then how is past your flight? _I want to talk to Jennifer! _a little patience, thou reverras soon. Appointment tomorrow at 21h in the Bridge of the Lake River City. And then he hung up. It had given me go to the place where I am done fired above it there is 2 years. I left in the direction of a hotel and with the money I had won, I took a room. I commanded to eat but do managed to not swallow anything. I took a shower and me slept in order to be ready for tomorrow. I had no idea of what was going to happen, but one thing was for sure, whatever happens, I would do everything to save Jennifer. The next day before leaving the hotel, I called my parents to tell them that I loved them. I still have no recollection but I know they love me and that they are doing everything possible for me. The phone bascula on the messaging. _Allo Thomas ? Answered my mother _Hi Mom _but or is that... _not let me speak. I am sorry to be party like it but I have a very good reason. There is nothing I can tell you and I do not know if I would stay here again, but I wanted to tell you you and dad that I love you. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Then I raccrochai. I knew that I had them of evil, but I did not have the choice. I came out of the hotel and took a taxi in the direction of the lake. When I arrived there, I had a strange sensation of already seen. Everything seemed to me very familiar. The more I went and I had the impression that the past was repeated. I went up the bridge and when I arrived, I screws the jacket of Jennifer blood-stained. I accrued in its direction but my attacker made his appearance. He was dressed in a big hoodie and dark glasses. A micro was connected to his mouth, surely it is thanks to it that he hides his voice. _Tien would like, he told me, as it is found. _What have you done with Jennifer? Tell me where it is? _Do not be so anxious, thou reverras soon. Ca fact so long that I expect this time. _now that there is only one, you can disclose your identity. Then he withdrew its hood and his glasses, and when I discovered his face, I do not believed not my eyes. _No, this is not possible, not thee. Chapter 10 I had the impression that this is a horrible nightmare and everything that I wanted it was wake me up. But this was not a dream, because my assailant was well there, with a gun pointed at me, and this person was none other than Jennifer. In the indicator I had lost all my means, I could not to speak or to move, I was like paralyzed. _What is happening, thou hast lost the floor? She said to me with air sneaky _then it is thou my aggressor. But this is not possible, you was in prison when I received the call, and it is you who has prevented this car to subvert me. Then why try-tu to kill me? _Do not worry, I will explain everything. On the day of your arrival I asked Lucas to darken on thee with his car and there I will arrive for te "Save". Thou hast immediately had confidence in me, but I knew that thou still had doubts. Then I put this poison in your glass and I knew we would stop me, but as the police had no physical evidence against me I have been released. I have had access to a telephone in prison, it is like that I have been able to call. And the blow of the Berlin C was still Lucas, it t as made crazy Is it not? After that I had all thy confidence. Everything would be held as I wanted to if your stupid godmother do m had not seen at the airport Book your ticket, there she knew it was me, so I had to eliminate. In fact, you do m not want too much for it? She told me all this with both of calm, as if this was not an important thing. The more she was talking and the more I had the impression that my heart was going to drop. I refused to believe it, how had she been able to make me that? And especially Why? Nicole was dead because of it, in wanting to protect me. And I came to New York for the issue. I was ready to give my life for it but what she said to me made me the effect of a bomb. I had the impression that all my world crumbled. _but why? I thought you were my friend? _I was; up to what thou détruises the life of my family. _but what are you talking about? _at Lycée you went out with my sister Kelly, but our parents refused to see you together. Then a weekend , there is all the trios fled to New York in order to be quiet this would be only a small time. We went in a box the last evening and you had too much to drink, it was raining ropes i t had said not to drive but to me thou hast not listened.. You drove like crazy and we landed at the bottom of this huge gap. My sister is dead on the blow. Thou hast begun to cross the bridge to seek relief but it was already too late. It had a weapon abandoned in the gap, then I have taken, I have followed and I pulled. I t had accused but thou hast refused to listen to me, then thou also had to die. Then I ran away and I am returned to my home, as if nothing had happened. A few days later we had found the body of Kelly, but not yours. The police t has sought everywhere without results, then thou hast been declared dead. I do not know how your parents have done, but they have made to ensure that all the world believes that it was Kelly who was driving, then when I finish with thee, I will deal with them. It was therefore for it that my parents were competing. But I had beautiful try I still could not believe it. I was completely lost. Then suddenly, several images appeared in my head, it was like a parade of Flash. And there, the memory came back to me, everything was finally clear. _there it is, I remember _unfortunately for you it is too late. It swung his weapon in the direction of my heart, then I drove on it for the take from him but the bridge collapsed under our feet and we fell all the two at the bottom of the water. Chapter 11 (Narrator outside) In this Tuesday 3 March, in the south of the State of California, we could see a lot of people smiled and wish: "Congratulations! ". Because today, we celebrated a marriage, and we could see the young married couple kissing and pose in front of a camera. But let us go back a little in the rear. After its fall in the water, Thomas managed to escape and lands near the Lake River City. It is at this time that he felt a violent pain at heart, he had never felt nothing of such, and he was confident that my time was arrival, because its eyes closed under the sky of New York. Two days later, he awoke to the hospital in California, once again. The police had drawn the appeal that it had spent to his parents and had thus been able to find me. It had been a little, if the police was not arrival at both, the city would today at his funeral. The police of New York and California were associated in order to regain Jennifer. But it was raining of the strings that day, there had of the wind and the current The surely had driven in the falls of water because they have never found. They searched for weeks but have finally classified the case because person would not have been able to survive a drop that. After its operation, it fell in a great depression which lasted several weeks until Sharon, the ex girlfriend of Lucas Vienna to his rescue. This whole ordeal had been very hard for him and he had finished by to contain itself on itself. Sharon has been a very great help, she was able to be there for him as a person has never been. For it also it was hard, because Lucas had also manipulated. The more they spent time together and the more they were approaching, and were finished by fall deeply in love of one another. Five years later, he found himself in front of a mirror in the process of preparing for my marriage, when my father came: "Then fiston, tu es nervous? _Yes a little. (It the AIDA to attach my node-throttle) _Do not worry, everything will go well. You'll finally be able to enjoy life. _Thanks Dad, I love you _I t also like fiston Two hours later, after having pronounced their Vows and having made the feast with their families and their friends, so they went in the direction of their limousines which would lead to the airport, because they had to spend their honeymoon in Hawaii. They came to marry and were more pleased than ever. The driver went out of the limousine and stepped up to them, but they discovered too late that this was not the driver, but Jennifer. They had no time to react or to do anything because it went out a gun and fired a shot on Thomas in the heart, but this time, it does awoke ever. The police arrived just after but it was too late, the harm was already done. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in the prison of California and could not ever get out. Sharon remarried a few years later with an old friend of the FCC and they had two children. She lived now in San Francisco. She wanted to turn the page and forget this history, but it never succeed. Each year she returned to the cemetery make a visit to Thomas and bloom his tomb, because it will be forever engraved in it, and what that it arrives, she knew that she would like always. A Past to Find (Chapters 7 and 8) Chapter 7 Three days were past since the disappearance of Jennifer. Three days in the concern and in the fear that it does him either happened something. Neither I nor the police had no index. It was as if she had vanished, she had left no trace. How all this was it arrived? How all this had he been able to produce without that person does not render account? Nicole and I continue to seek, without results. It was in an impasse. I had received a call from his disappearance, my aggressor of banked that Nicole had to stop its research where it would happen to him something. Since that I talked to him about this blue Berlin and especially since the disappearance of Jennifer, it stops more, it neglects even his job. I talked to him about the threat, I told him that she had to stop and that she had to leave me to cope but she refuses to listen to me. If ever he sometimes something this will be my fault. My father came in my room to tell me that he was going to order a dish in a restaurant, I proposed to go in its place, it was necessary that I aerates the Spirit. _said Dad, I would not have had a car accident past ? _Oh, well... It was not the time to complete his sentence because his laptop rang. Arrived at the restaurant, I commanded 3 different dishes to take away and waited that we serve me. I screws Lucas and Sharon who made me sign of approach : _Hey salvation my buddy, said Lucas, then how will the LIFE? _Not very well, Jennifer has disappeared, t as forgotten?! _excuse the, said Sharon he has no tact. Then, the police still has no clue? _Not, still not. I really concerns me for it. _I am sure that they will find it, do not worry. Sharon was really someone of friendly, I wonder what it is doing with a crazy as Lucas. My order is ready, I told them to review and took a taxi for me to go home. I was punctured, this time I could not sleep. Each time that I closed the eyes, I saw me make me pull above on this bridge, or it was the image of this car accident which I was constantly in mind. The taxi stopped, I payai him his race and came to the House. There was nobody in the lounge then I went upstairs to the first, and I heard my parents arguing, my father haussai more and more the tone : _it cannot tell him nothing do you hear me! If ever the police learns it will end up in prison! _But Thomas has the right to know! I did not have the time to hear anything else because my laptop vibra and I down to respond. _Allo? _C is Me Nicole, Thomas there it is I discovered Who was your aggressor! _What?! But it is great! Who is this? _I cannot tell you now, there has too many world around me. Agree with me to the beach to 20h. Then she hung up. I was struck not always, she had discovered that was my attacker! This nightmare would be finally finished and I'd soon Jennifer. Before to go find it, I say to my parents that I had an appointment with a few friends then I filai to the beach. I waited for 10 minutes, and then 15 and it does state still not there. And that is where I live his car parked a little further, I approchai in hoping to see but there was nobody there. I screws his laptop on the sand near large rocks, I approchai for the take and there the horror. I discovered the corpse of my godmother, full of blood. His face was pale and his lips all blue. There was a paper asked on its hands on which he was written: i t had accused. She knew too much. Suddenly my breathing accelerated, my heart beat faster and faster and more and more strong, then I lost knowledge near the corpse of my godmother. Chapter 8 I woke in a hospital room surrounded by my two parents. During a second, I thought that everything that had happened had been a horrible nightmare, and that Jennifer and Nicole were unharmed. But not seeing my parents, I knew that it was indeed the reality. They were in tears, and my mother was crying so that she sanglotait. I did not have the time to tell them anything because the police entered the House. _Hello, you remember me, I am the Inspector Davidson _Yes, hello _You were found unconscious near the corpse of your godmother, then can you tell me what happened? _And well, we had an appointment at the beach but it was not. Yet his car was parked there, then I am approached and I saw his laptop on the sand, I went to take and there I discovered the body of my godmother. _and you have not seen anyone? You have nothing noticed bizarre? _not sorry. And you have no index. _We found a word which said that we had prevented and that she knew too much, but apart from that, its killer has left no trace. His murder may be linked to the disappearance of your friend. You are on that you know nothing of the other? There, it is my father who intervened: "I hope that you are not in the process of the accuse of murder. My son just to undergo harsh trials and he needs to refit then I would ask you to let us quiet. _very well, I am going. Call me if you remember something. He then pulled out and my father did the same to go we seek to eat. My mother, she was unable to speak, the death of Nicole The have too shocked, and me also. It is dead by my fault? I could not bear it. Jennifer was kidnapped and I had no new, my godmother just die and all this is entirely my fault. I would never have of their talk of this history. The door opened, I thought that it was still the inspector but it was my doctor. _Hello, uh, I have a bad news to announce. This time, my mother relieved the head and asked him what was happening. _And well, the results of the reviews of Thomas have revealed an anomaly at the level of her heart? _A fault? Is that serious? _Yes. The bale that it has received there is 2 years has caused more damage than previously believed. And the crisis that he had yesterday evening has made things much worse. His heart is becoming more and more fragile. _Oh my god!!!! Tell me that you have a way to save my son. _We only have a solution: an open-heart operation. We have on the waiting list. Hold, c is a bipper, when it rings, you will immediately come to the hospital so that it transplante her new heart. But in the meantime it must absolutely be refit and avoid any stress. And heard everything that the doctor had to say, I thought that my heart was going to drop on the field. It was therefore for it that I had these pain at the heart, but I never worried, I thought it was the stress that was causing it. Nicole M had however recommended to go to the hospital, but I have not listened to. The doctor prescribes me pain killers and then went home us. Four days passed since the announcement of my doctor, and the bipper still had not sounded. My parents were in full preparations for the Burial of Nicole and had asked me not to get involved in for that I Refitting. But that is where my laptop rang : _Allo? Then _like that thou camest forth out of the Hospital _species of junk! You have killed! You had no reason to do that! _i t had accused, i t had said that she had to drop but you did it to thy head. Listen now to me, if you want to find Jennifer You are going to do exactly what I say to thee. You will find in your convenient a plane ticket in the direction of New York. The aircraft will fly in a few hours, when thou shalt be arrived Tu m'shalt call to the number that there on the ticket. But attention, if ever you are speaking to anyone, I swear Jennifer die in atrocious suffering and to thee I'd then, thou and thy parents! Then he hung up, and that is where my bipper rang, this ringtone which I announced that it had a heart available for me. My head began to turn. What was I supposed to do? Was I to go there or not? I had a lot questions but no response. If I was, I was going to die, but if I wasn't going in there it is Jennifer who was going to die. It is at this time that my mother came in my room. _Coucou my darling, is this going to _Uh...yes it can go. _wish, I found it in the affairs of Nicole, C is for thee. Then she walked out of the House. She came to give me a letter that Nicole had written for me. My dear Thomas, If you read this letter, is that I am dead. I do not want you feel responsible for what m is arrival, I knew very well the risks that I was somehow, but thou art my godson and it was my duty to protect yourself. I hope with all my heart that you'll find Jennifer safe and sound. Take good care of your parents. I love you, Nicole. In reading this letter, I had no more doubt, Nicole had given his life to protect me. It was my turn to protect Jennifer and my parents, and to ensure that Nicole is not dead for nothing, even if the price to pay was my life...then how is past your flight? _I want to talk to Jennifer! _a little patience, thou reverras soon. Appointment tomorrow at 21h in the Bridge of the Lake River City. And then he hung up. It had given me go to the place where I am done fired above it there is 2 years. I left in the direction of a hotel and with the money I had won, I took a room. I commanded to eat but do managed to not swallow anything. I took a shower and me slept in order to be ready for tomorrow. I had no idea of what was going to happen, but one thing was for sure, whatever happens, I would do everything to save Jennifer. The next day before leaving the hotel, I called my parents to tell them that I loved them. I still have no recollection but I know they love me and that they are doing everything possible for me. The phone bascula on the messaging. _Allo Thomas ? Answered my mother _Hi Mom _but or is that... _not let me speak. I am sorry to be party like it but I have a very good reason. There is nothing I can tell you and I do not know if I would stay here again, but I wanted to tell you you and dad that I love you. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Then I raccrochai. I knew that I had them of evil, but I did not have the choice. I came out of the hotel and took a taxi in the direction of the lake. When I arrived there, I had a strange sensation of already seen. Everything seemed to me very familiar. The more I went and I had the impression that the past was repeated. I went up the bridge and when I arrived, I screws the jacket of Jennifer blood-stained. I accrued in its direction but my attacker made his appearance. He was dressed in a big hoodie and dark glasses. A micro was connected to his mouth, surely it is thanks to it that he hides his voice. _Tien would like, he told me, as it is found. _What have you done with Jennifer? Tell me where it is? _Do not be so anxious, thou reverras soon. Ca fact so long that I expect this time. _now that there is only one, you can disclose your identity. Then he withdrew its hood and his glasses, and when I discovered his face, I do not believed not my eyes. _No, this is not possible, not thee. Chapter 10 I had the impression that this is a horrible nightmare and everything that I wanted it was wake me up. But this was not a dream, because my assailant was well there, with a gun pointed at me, and this person was none other than Jennifer. In the indicator I had lost all my means, I could not to speak or to move, I was like paralyzed. _What is happening, thou hast lost the floor? She said to me with air sneaky _then it is thou my aggressor. But this is not possible, you was in prison when I received the call, and it is you who has prevented this car to subvert me. Then why try-tu to kill me? _Do not worry, I will explain everything. On the day of your arrival I asked Lucas to darken on thee with his car and there I will arrive for te "Save". Thou hast immediately had confidence in me, but I knew that thou still had doubts. Then I put this poison in your glass and I knew we would stop me, but as the police had no physical evidence against me I have been released. I have had access to a telephone in prison, it is like that I have been able to call. And the blow of the Berlin C was still Lucas, it t as made crazy Is it not? After that I had all thy confidence. Everything would be held as I wanted to if your stupid godmother do m had not seen at the airport Book your ticket, there she knew it was me, so I had to eliminate. In fact, you do m not want too much for it? She told me all this with both of calm, as if this was not an important thing. The more she was talking and the more I had the impression that my heart was going to drop. I refused to believe it, how had she been able to make me that? And especially Why? Nicole was dead because of it, in wanting to protect me. And I came to New York for the issue. I was ready to give my life for it but what she said to me made me the effect of a bomb. I had the impression that all my world crumbled. _but why? I thought you were my friend? _I was; up to what thou détruises the life of my family. _but what are you talking about? _at Lycée you went out with my sister Kelly, but our parents refused to see you together. Then a weekend , there is all the trios fled to New York in order to be quiet this would be only a small time. We went in a box the last evening and you had too much to drink, it was raining ropes i t had said not to drive but to me thou hast not listened.. You drove like crazy and we landed at the bottom of this huge gap. My sister is dead on the blow. Thou hast begun to cross the bridge to seek relief but it was already too late. It had a weapon abandoned in the gap, then I have taken, I have followed and I pulled. I t had accused but thou hast refused to listen to me, then thou also had to die. Then I ran away and I am returned to my home, as if nothing had happened. A few days later we had found the body of Kelly, but not yours. The police t has sought everywhere without results, then thou hast been declared dead. I do not know how your parents have done, but they have made to ensure that all the world believes that it was Kelly who was driving, then when I finish with thee, I will deal with them. It was therefore for it that my parents were competing. But I had beautiful try I still could not believe it. I was completely lost. Then suddenly, several images appeared in my head, it was like a parade of Flash. And there, the memory came back to me, everything was finally clear. _there it is, I remember _unfortunately for you it is too late. It swung his weapon in the direction of my heart, then I drove on it for the take from him but the bridge collapsed under our feet and we fell all the two at the bottom of the water. Chapter 11 (Narrator outside) In this Tuesday 3 March, in the south of the State of California, we could see a lot of people smiled and wish: "Congratulations! ". Because today, we celebrated a marriage, and we could see the young married couple kissing and pose in front of a camera. But let us go back a little in the rear. After its fall in the water, Thomas managed to escape and lands near the Lake River City. It is at this time that he felt a violent pain at heart, he had never felt nothing of such, and he was confident that my time was arrival, because its eyes closed under the sky of New York. Two days later, he awoke to the hospital in California, once again. The police had drawn the appeal that it had spent to his parents and had thus been able to find me. It had been a little, if the police was not arrival at both, the city would today at his funeral. The police of New York and California were associated in order to regain Jennifer. But it was raining of the strings that day, there had of the wind and the current The surely had driven in the falls of water because they have never found. They searched for weeks but have finally classified the case because person would not have been able to survive a drop that. After its operation, it fell in a great depression which lasted several weeks until Sharon, the ex girlfriend of Lucas Vienna to his rescue. This whole ordeal had been very hard for him and he had finished by to contain itself on itself. Sharon has been a very great help, she was able to be there for him as a person has never been. For it also it was hard, because Lucas had also manipulated. The more they spent time together and the more they were approaching, and were finished by fall deeply in love of one another. Five years later, he found himself in front of a mirror in the process of preparing for my marriage, when my father came: "Then fiston, tu es nervous? _Yes a little. (It the AIDA to attach my node-throttle) _Do not worry, everything will go well. You'll finally be able to enjoy life. _Thanks Dad, I love you _I t also like fiston Two hours later, after having pronounced their Vows and having made the feast with their families and their friends, so they went in the direction of their limousines which would lead to the airport, because they had to spend their honeymoon in Hawaii. They came to marry and were more pleased than ever. The driver went out of the limousine and stepped up to them, but they discovered too late that this was not the driver, but Jennifer. They had no time to react or to do anything because it went out a gun and fired a shot on Thomas in the heart, but this time, it does awoke ever. The police arrived just after but it was too late, the harm was already done. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in the prison of California and could not ever get out. Sharon remarried a few years later with an old friend of the FCC and they had two children. She lived now in San Francisco. She wanted to turn the page and forget this history, but it never succeed. Each year she returned to the cemetery make a visit to Thomas and bloom his tomb, because it will be forever engraved in it, and what that it arrives, she knew that she would like always. A Past to Find (Chapters 7 and 8) Chapter 7 Three days were past since the disappearance of Jennifer. Three days in the concern and in the fear that it does him either happened something. Neither I nor the police had no index. It was as if she had vanished, she had left no trace. How all this was it arrived? How all this had he been able to produce without that person does not render account? Nicole and I continue to seek, without results. It was in an impasse. I had received a call from his disappearance, my aggressor of banked that Nicole had to stop its research where it would happen to him something. Since that I talked to him about this blue Berlin and especially since the disappearance of Jennifer, it stops more, it neglects even his job. I talked to him about the threat, I told him that she had to stop and that she had to leave me to cope but she refuses to listen to me. If ever he sometimes something this will be my fault. My father came in my room to tell me that he was going to order a dish in a restaurant, I proposed to go in its place, it was necessary that I aerates the Spirit. _said Dad, I would not have had a car accident past ? _Oh, well... It was not the time to complete his sentence because his laptop rang. Arrived at the restaurant, I commanded 3 different dishes to take away and waited that we serve me. I screws Lucas and Sharon who made me sign of approach : _Hey salvation my buddy, said Lucas, then how will the LIFE? _Not very well, Jennifer has disappeared, t as forgotten?! _excuse the, said Sharon he has no tact. Then, the police still has no clue? _Not, still not. I really concerns me for it. _I am sure that they will find it, do not worry. Sharon was really someone of friendly, I wonder what it is doing with a crazy as Lucas. My order is ready, I told them to review and took a taxi for me to go home. I was punctured, this time I could not sleep. Each time that I closed the eyes, I saw me make me pull above on this bridge, or it was the image of this car accident which I was constantly in mind. The taxi stopped, I payai him his race and came to the House. There was nobody in the lounge then I went upstairs to the first, and I heard my parents arguing, my father haussai more and more the tone : _it cannot tell him nothing do you hear me! If ever the police learns it will end up in prison! _But Thomas has the right to know! I did not have the time to hear anything else because my laptop vibra and I down to respond. _Allo? _C is Me Nicole, Thomas there it is I discovered Who was your aggressor! _What?! But it is great! Who is this? _I cannot tell you now, there has too many world around me. Agree with me to the beach to 20h. Then she hung up. I was struck not always, she had discovered that was my attacker! This nightmare would be finally finished and I'd soon Jennifer. Before to go find it, I say to my parents that I had an appointment with a few friends then I filai to the beach. I waited for 10 minutes, and then 15 and it does state still not there. And that is where I live his car parked a little further, I approchai in hoping to see but there was nobody there. I screws his laptop on the sand near large rocks, I approchai for the take and there the horror. I discovered the corpse of my godmother, full of blood. His face was pale and his lips all blue. There was a paper asked on its hands on which he was written: i t had accused. She knew too much. Suddenly my breathing accelerated, my heart beat faster and faster and more and more strong, then I lost knowledge near the corpse of my godmother. Chapter 8 I woke in a hospital room surrounded by my two parents. During a second, I thought that everything that had happened had been a horrible nightmare, and that Jennifer and Nicole were unharmed. But not seeing my parents, I knew that it was indeed the reality. They were in tears, and my mother was crying so that she sanglotait. I did not have the time to tell them anything because the police entered the House. _Hello, you remember me, I am the Inspector Davidson _Yes, hello _You were found unconscious near the corpse of your godmother, then can you tell me what happened? _And well, we had an appointment at the beach but it was not. Yet his car was parked there, then I am approached and I saw his laptop on the sand, I went to take and there I discovered the body of my godmother. _and you have not seen anyone? You have nothing noticed bizarre? _not sorry. And you have no index. _We found a word which said that we had prevented and that she knew too much, but apart from that, its killer has left no trace. His murder may be linked to the disappearance of your friend. You are on that you know nothing of the other? There, it is my father who intervened: "I hope that you are not in the process of the accuse of murder. My son just to undergo harsh trials and he needs to refit then I would ask you to let us quiet. _very well, I am going. Call me if you remember something. He then pulled out and my father did the same to go we seek to eat. My mother, she was unable to speak, the death of Nicole The have too shocked, and me also. It is dead by my fault? I could not bear it. Jennifer was kidnapped and I had no new, my godmother just die and all this is entirely my fault. I would never have of their talk of this history. The door opened, I thought that it was still the inspector but it was my doctor. _Hello, uh, I have a bad news to announce. This time, my mother relieved the head and asked him what was happening. _And well, the results of the reviews of Thomas have revealed an anomaly at the level of her heart? _A fault? Is that serious? _Yes. The bale that it has received there is 2 years has caused more damage than previously believed. And the crisis that he had yesterday evening has made things much worse. His heart is becoming more and more fragile. _Oh my god!!!! Tell me that you have a way to save my son. _We only have a solution: an open-heart operation. We have on the waiting list. Hold, c is a bipper, when it rings, you will immediately come to the hospital so that it transplante her new heart. But in the meantime it must absolutely be refit and avoid any stress. And heard everything that the doctor had to say, I thought that my heart was going to drop on the field. It was therefore for it that I had these pain at the heart, but I never worried, I thought it was the stress that was causing it. Nicole M had however recommended to go to the hospital, but I have not listened to. The doctor prescribes me pain killers and then went home us. Four days passed since the announcement of my doctor, and the bipper still had not sounded. My parents were in full preparations for the Burial of Nicole and had asked me not to get involved in for that I Refitting. But that is where my laptop rang : _Allo? Then _like that thou camest forth out of the Hospital _species of junk! You have killed! You had no reason to do that! _i t had accused, i t had said that she had to drop but you did it to thy head. Listen now to me, if you want to find Jennifer You are going to do exactly what I say to thee. You will find in your convenient a plane ticket in the direction of New York. The aircraft will fly in a few hours, when thou shalt be arrived Tu m'shalt call to the number that there on the ticket. But attention, if ever you are speaking to anyone, I swear Jennifer die in atrocious suffering and to thee I'd then, thou and thy parents! Then he hung up, and that is where my bipper rang, this ringtone which I announced that it had a heart available for me. My head began to turn. What was I supposed to do? Was I to go there or not? I had a lot questions but no response. If I was, I was going to die, but if I wasn't going in there it is Jennifer who was going to die. It is at this time that my mother came in my room. _Coucou my darling, is this going to _Uh...yes it can go. _wish, I found it in the affairs of Nicole, C is for thee. Then she walked out of the House. She came to give me a letter that Nicole had written for me. My dear Thomas, If you read this letter, is that I am dead. I do not want you feel responsible for what m is arrival, I knew very well the risks that I was somehow, but thou art my godson and it was my duty to protect yourself. I hope with all my heart that you'll find Jennifer safe and sound. Take good care of your parents. I love you, Nicole. In reading this letter, I had no more doubt, Nicole had given his life to protect me. It was my turn to protect Jennifer and my parents, and to ensure that Nicole is not dead for nothing, even if the price to pay was my life...then how is past your flight? _I want to talk to Jennifer! _a little patience, thou reverras soon. Appointment tomorrow at 21h in the Bridge of the Lake River City. And then he hung up. It had given me go to the place where I am done fired above it there is 2 years. I left in the direction of a hotel and with the money I had won, I took a room. I commanded to eat but do managed to not swallow anything. I took a shower and me slept in order to be ready for tomorrow. I had no idea of what was going to happen, but one thing was for sure, whatever happens, I would do everything to save Jennifer. The next day before leaving the hotel, I called my parents to tell them that I loved them. I still have no recollection but I know they love me and that they are doing everything possible for me. The phone bascula on the messaging. _Allo Thomas ? Answered my mother _Hi Mom _but or is that... _not let me speak. I am sorry to be party like it but I have a very good reason. There is nothing I can tell you and I do not know if I would stay here again, but I wanted to tell you you and dad that I love you. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Then I raccrochai. I knew that I had them of evil, but I did not have the choice. I came out of the hotel and took a taxi in the direction of the lake. When I arrived there, I had a strange sensation of already seen. Everything seemed to me very familiar. The more I went and I had the impression that the past was repeated. I went up the bridge and when I arrived, I screws the jacket of Jennifer blood-stained. I accrued in its direction but my attacker made his appearance. He was dressed in a big hoodie and dark glasses. A micro was connected to his mouth, surely it is thanks to it that he hides his voice. _Tien would like, he told me, as it is found. _What have you done with Jennifer? Tell me where it is? _Do not be so anxious, thou reverras soon. Ca fact so long that I expect this time. _now that there is only one, you can disclose your identity. Then he withdrew its hood and his glasses, and when I discovered his face, I do not believed not my eyes. _No, this is not possible, not thee. Chapter 10 I had the impression that this is a horrible nightmare and everything that I wanted it was wake me up. But this was not a dream, because my assailant was well there, with a gun pointed at me, and this person was none other than Jennifer. In the indicator I had lost all my means, I could not to speak or to move, I was like paralyzed. _What is happening, thou hast lost the floor? She said to me with air sneaky _then it is thou my aggressor. But this is not possible, you was in prison when I received the call, and it is you who has prevented this car to subvert me. Then why try-tu to kill me? _Do not worry, I will explain everything. On the day of your arrival I asked Lucas to darken on thee with his car and there I will arrive for te "Save". Thou hast immediately had confidence in me, but I knew that thou still had doubts. Then I put this poison in your glass and I knew we would stop me, but as the police had no physical evidence against me I have been released. I have had access to a telephone in prison, it is like that I have been able to call. And the blow of the Berlin C was still Lucas, it t as made crazy Is it not? After that I had all thy confidence. Everything would be held as I wanted to if your stupid godmother do m had not seen at the airport Book your ticket, there she knew it was me, so I had to eliminate. In fact, you do m not want too much for it? She told me all this with both of calm, as if this was not an important thing. The more she was talking and the more I had the impression that my heart was going to drop. I refused to believe it, how had she been able to make me that? And especially Why? Nicole was dead because of it, in wanting to protect me. And I came to New York for the issue. I was ready to give my life for it but what she said to me made me the effect of a bomb. I had the impression that all my world crumbled. _but why? I thought you were my friend? _I was; up to what thou détruises the life of my family. _but what are you talking about? _at Lycée you went out with my sister Kelly, but our parents refused to see you together. Then a weekend , there is all the trios fled to New York in order to be quiet this would be only a small time. We went in a box the last evening and you had too much to drink, it was raining ropes i t had said not to drive but to me thou hast not listened.. You drove like crazy and we landed at the bottom of this huge gap. My sister is dead on the blow. Thou hast begun to cross the bridge to seek relief but it was already too late. It had a weapon abandoned in the gap, then I have taken, I have followed and I pulled. I t had accused but thou hast refused to listen to me, then thou also had to die. Then I ran away and I am returned to my home, as if nothing had happened. A few days later we had found the body of Kelly, but not yours. The police t has sought everywhere without results, then thou hast been declared dead. I do not know how your parents have done, but they have made to ensure that all the world believes that it was Kelly who was driving, then when I finish with thee, I will deal with them. It was therefore for it that my parents were competing. But I had beautiful try I still could not believe it. I was completely lost. Then suddenly, several images appeared in my head, it was like a parade of Flash. And there, the memory came back to me, everything was finally clear. _there it is, I remember _unfortunately for you it is too late. It swung his weapon in the direction of my heart, then I drove on it for the take from him but the bridge collapsed under our feet and we fell all the two at the bottom of the water. Chapter 11 (Narrator outside) In this Tuesday 3 March, in the south of the State of California, we could see a lot of people smiled and wish: "Congratulations! ". Because today, we celebrated a marriage, and we could see the young married couple kissing and pose in front of a camera. But let us go back a little in the rear. After its fall in the water, Thomas managed to escape and lands near the Lake River City. It is at this time that he felt a violent pain at heart, he had never felt nothing of such, and he was confident that my time was arrival, because its eyes closed under the sky of New York. Two days later, he awoke to the hospital in California, once again. The police had drawn the appeal that it had spent to his parents and had thus been able to find me. It had been a little, if the police was not arrival at both, the city would today at his funeral. The police of New York and California were associated in order to regain Jennifer. But it was raining of the strings that day, there had of the wind and the current The surely had driven in the falls of water because they have never found. They searched for weeks but have finally classified the case because person would not have been able to survive a drop that. After its operation, it fell in a great depression which lasted several weeks until Sharon, the ex girlfriend of Lucas Vienna to his rescue. This whole ordeal had been very hard for him and he had finished by to contain itself on itself. Sharon has been a very great help, she was able to be there for him as a person has never been. For it also it was hard, because Lucas had also manipulated. The more they spent time together and the more they were approaching, and were finished by fall deeply in love of one another. Five years later, he found himself in front of a mirror in the process of preparing for my marriage, when my father came: "Then fiston, tu es nervous? _Yes a little. (It the AIDA to attach my node-throttle) _Do not worry, everything will go well. You'll finally be able to enjoy life. _Thanks Dad, I love you _I t also like fiston Two hours later, after having pronounced their Vows and having made the feast with their families and their friends, so they went in the direction of their limousines which would lead to the airport, because they had to spend their honeymoon in Hawaii. They came to marry and were more pleased than ever. The driver went out of the limousine and stepped up to them, but they discovered too late that this was not the driver, but Jennifer. They had no time to react or to do anything because it went out a gun and fired a shot on Thomas in the heart, but this time, it does awoke ever. The police arrived just after but it was too late, the harm was already done. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in the prison of California and could not ever get out. Sharon remarried a few years later with an old friend of the FCC and they had two children. She lived now in San Francisco. She wanted to turn the page and forget this history, but it never succeed. Each year she returned to the cemetery make a visit to Thomas and bloom his tomb, because it will be forever engraved in it, and what that it arrives, she knew that she would like always. A Past to Find (Chapters 7 and 8) Chapter 7 Three days were past since the disappearance of Jennifer. Three days in the concern and in the fear that it does him either happened something. Neither I nor the police had no index. It was as if she had vanished, she had left no trace. How all this was it arrived? How all this had he been able to produce without that person does not render account? Nicole and I continue to seek, without results. It was in an impasse. I had received a call from his disappearance, my aggressor of banked that Nicole had to stop its research where it would happen to him something. Since that I talked to him about this blue Berlin and especially since the disappearance of Jennifer, it stops more, it neglects even his job. I talked to him about the threat, I told him that she had to stop and that she had to leave me to cope but she refuses to listen to me. If ever he sometimes something this will be my fault. My father came in my room to tell me that he was going to order a dish in a restaurant, I proposed to go in its place, it was necessary that I aerates the Spirit. _said Dad, I would not have had a car accident past ? _Oh, well... It was not the time to complete his sentence because his laptop rang. Arrived at the restaurant, I commanded 3 different dishes to take away and waited that we serve me. I screws Lucas and Sharon who made me sign of approach : _Hey salvation my buddy, said Lucas, then how will the LIFE? _Not very well, Jennifer has disappeared, t as forgotten?! _excuse the, said Sharon he has no tact. Then, the police still has no clue? _Not, still not. I really concerns me for it. _I am sure that they will find it, do not worry. Sharon was really someone of friendly, I wonder what it is doing with a crazy as Lucas. My order is ready, I told them to review and took a taxi for me to go home. I was punctured, this time I could not sleep. Each time that I closed the eyes, I saw me make me pull above on this bridge, or it was the image of this car accident which I was constantly in mind. The taxi stopped, I payai him his race and came to the House. There was nobody in the lounge then I went upstairs to the first, and I heard my parents arguing, my father haussai more and more the tone : _it cannot tell him nothing do you hear me! If ever the police learns it will end up in prison! _But Thomas has the right to know! I did not have the time to hear anything else because my laptop vibra and I down to respond. _Allo? _C is Me Nicole, Thomas there it is I discovered Who was your aggressor! _What?! But it is great! Who is this? _I cannot tell you now, there has too many world around me. Agree with me to the beach to 20h. Then she hung up. I was struck not always, she had discovered that was my attacker! This nightmare would be finally finished and I'd soon Jennifer. Before to go find it, I say to my parents that I had an appointment with a few friends then I filai to the beach. I waited for 10 minutes, and then 15 and it does state still not there. And that is where I live his car parked a little further, I approchai in hoping to see but there was nobody there. I screws his laptop on the sand near large rocks, I approchai for the take and there the horror. I discovered the corpse of my godmother, full of blood. His face was pale and his lips all blue. There was a paper asked on its hands on which he was written: i t had accused. She knew too much. Suddenly my breathing accelerated, my heart beat faster and faster and more and more strong, then I lost knowledge near the corpse of my godmother. Chapter 8 I woke in a hospital room surrounded by my two parents. During a second, I thought that everything that had happened had been a horrible nightmare, and that Jennifer and Nicole were unharmed. But not seeing my parents, I knew that it was indeed the reality. They were in tears, and my mother was crying so that she sanglotait. I did not have the time to tell them anything because the police entered the House. _Hello, you remember me, I am the Inspector Davidson _Yes, hello _You were found unconscious near the corpse of your godmother, then can you tell me what happened? _And well, we had an appointment at the beach but it was not. Yet his car was parked there, then I am approached and I saw his laptop on the sand, I went to take and there I discovered the body of my godmother. _and you have not seen anyone? You have nothing noticed bizarre? _not sorry. And you have no index. _We found a word which said that we had prevented and that she knew too much, but apart from that, its killer has left no trace. His murder may be linked to the disappearance of your friend. You are on that you know nothing of the other? There, it is my father who intervened: "I hope that you are not in the process of the accuse of murder. My son just to undergo harsh trials and he needs to refit then I would ask you to let us quiet. _very well, I am going. Call me if you remember something. He then pulled out and my father did the same to go we seek to eat. My mother, she was unable to speak, the death of Nicole The have too shocked, and me also. It is dead by my fault? I could not bear it. Jennifer was kidnapped and I had no new, my godmother just die and all this is entirely my fault. I would never have of their talk of this history. The door opened, I thought that it was still the inspector but it was my doctor. _Hello, uh, I have a bad news to announce. This time, my mother relieved the head and asked him what was happening. _And well, the results of the reviews of Thomas have revealed an anomaly at the level of her heart? _A fault? Is that serious? _Yes. The bale that it has received there is 2 years has caused more damage than previously believed. And the crisis that he had yesterday evening has made things much worse. His heart is becoming more and more fragile. _Oh my god!!!! Tell me that you have a way to save my son. _We only have a solution: an open-heart operation. We have on the waiting list. Hold, c is a bipper, when it rings, you will immediately come to the hospital so that it transplante her new heart. But in the meantime it must absolutely be refit and avoid any stress. And heard everything that the doctor had to say, I thought that my heart was going to drop on the field. It was therefore for it that I had these pain at the heart, but I never worried, I thought it was the stress that was causing it. Nicole M had however recommended to go to the hospital, but I have not listened to. The doctor prescribes me pain killers and then went home us. Four days passed since the announcement of my doctor, and the bipper still had not sounded. My parents were in full preparations for the Burial of Nicole and had asked me not to get involved in for that I Refitting. But that is where my laptop rang : _Allo? Then _like that thou camest forth out of the Hospital _species of junk! You have killed! You had no reason to do that! _i t had accused, i t had said that she had to drop but you did it to thy head. Listen now to me, if you want to find Jennifer You are going to do exactly what I say to thee. You will find in your convenient a plane ticket in the direction of New York. The aircraft will fly in a few hours, when thou shalt be arrived Tu m'shalt call to the number that there on the ticket. But attention, if ever you are speaking to anyone, I swear Jennifer die in atrocious suffering and to thee I'd then, thou and thy parents! Then he hung up, and that is where my bipper rang, this ringtone which I announced that it had a heart available for me. My head began to turn. What was I supposed to do? Was I to go there or not? I had a lot questions but no response. If I was, I was going to die, but if I wasn't going in there it is Jennifer who was going to die. It is at this time that my mother came in my room. _Coucou my darling, is this going to _Uh...yes it can go. _wish, I found it in the affairs of Nicole, C is for thee. Then she walked out of the House. She came to give me a letter that Nicole had written for me. My dear Thomas, If you read this letter, is that I am dead. I do not want you feel responsible for what m is arrival, I knew very well the risks that I was somehow, but thou art my godson and it was my duty to protect yourself. I hope with all my heart that you'll find Jennifer safe and sound. Take good care of your parents. I love you, Nicole. In reading this letter, I had no more doubt, Nicole had given his life to protect me. It was my turn to protect Jennifer and my parents, and to ensure that Nicole is not dead for nothing, even if the price to pay was my life...then how is past your flight? _I want to talk to Jennifer! _a little patience, thou reverras soon. Appointment tomorrow at 21h in the Bridge of the Lake River City. And then he hung up. It had given me go to the place where I am done fired above it there is 2 years. I left in the direction of a hotel and with the money I had won, I took a room. I commanded to eat but do managed to not swallow anything. I took a shower and me slept in order to be ready for tomorrow. I had no idea of what was going to happen, but one thing was for sure, whatever happens, I would do everything to save Jennifer. The next day before leaving the hotel, I called my parents to tell them that I loved them. I still have no recollection but I know they love me and that they are doing everything possible for me. The phone bascula on the messaging. _Allo Thomas ? Answered my mother _Hi Mom _but or is that... _not let me speak. I am sorry to be party like it but I have a very good reason. There is nothing I can tell you and I do not know if I would stay here again, but I wanted to tell you you and dad that I love you. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Then I raccrochai. I knew that I had them of evil, but I did not have the choice. I came out of the hotel and took a taxi in the direction of the lake. When I arrived there, I had a strange sensation of already seen. Everything seemed to me very familiar. The more I went and I had the impression that the past was repeated. I went up the bridge and when I arrived, I screws the jacket of Jennifer blood-stained. I accrued in its direction but my attacker made his appearance. He was dressed in a big hoodie and dark glasses. A micro was connected to his mouth, surely it is thanks to it that he hides his voice. _Tien would like, he told me, as it is found. _What have you done with Jennifer? Tell me where it is? _Do not be so anxious, thou reverras soon. Ca fact so long that I expect this time. _now that there is only one, you can disclose your identity. Then he withdrew its hood and his glasses, and when I discovered his face, I do not believed not my eyes. _No, this is not possible, not thee. Chapter 10 I had the impression that this is a horrible nightmare and everything that I wanted it was wake me up. But this was not a dream, because my assailant was well there, with a gun pointed at me, and this person was none other than Jennifer. In the indicator I had lost all my means, I could not to speak or to move, I was like paralyzed. _What is happening, thou hast lost the floor? She said to me with air sneaky _then it is thou my aggressor. But this is not possible, you was in prison when I received the call, and it is you who has prevented this car to subvert me. Then why try-tu to kill me? _Do not worry, I will explain everything. On the day of your arrival I asked Lucas to darken on thee with his car and there I will arrive for te "Save". Thou hast immediately had confidence in me, but I knew that thou still had doubts. Then I put this poison in your glass and I knew we would stop me, but as the police had no physical evidence against me I have been released. I have had access to a telephone in prison, it is like that I have been able to call. And the blow of the Berlin C was still Lucas, it t as made crazy Is it not? After that I had all thy confidence. Everything would be held as I wanted to if your stupid godmother do m had not seen at the airport Book your ticket, there she knew it was me, so I had to eliminate. In fact, you do m not want too much for it? She told me all this with both of calm, as if this was not an important thing. The more she was talking and the more I had the impression that my heart was going to drop. I refused to believe it, how had she been able to make me that? And especially Why? Nicole was dead because of it, in wanting to protect me. And I came to New York for the issue. I was ready to give my life for it but what she said to me made me the effect of a bomb. I had the impression that all my world crumbled. _but why? I thought you were my friend? _I was; up to what thou détruises the life of my family. _but what are you talking about? _at Lycée you went out with my sister Kelly, but our parents refused to see you together. Then a weekend , there is all the trios fled to New York in order to be quiet this would be only a small time. We went in a box the last evening and you had too much to drink, it was raining ropes i t had said not to drive but to me thou hast not listened.. You drove like crazy and we landed at the bottom of this huge gap. My sister is dead on the blow. Thou hast begun to cross the bridge to seek relief but it was already too late. It had a weapon abandoned in the gap, then I have taken, I have followed and I pulled. I t had accused but thou hast refused to listen to me, then thou also had to die. Then I ran away and I am returned to my home, as if nothing had happened. A few days later we had found the body of Kelly, but not yours. The police t has sought everywhere without results, then thou hast been declared dead. I do not know how your parents have done, but they have made to ensure that all the world believes that it was Kelly who was driving, then when I finish with thee, I will deal with them. It was therefore for it that my parents were competing. But I had beautiful try I still could not believe it. I was completely lost. Then suddenly, several images appeared in my head, it was like a parade of Flash. And there, the memory came back to me, everything was finally clear. _there it is, I remember _unfortunately for you it is too late. It swung his weapon in the direction of my heart, then I drove on it for the take from him but the bridge collapsed under our feet and we fell all the two at the bottom of the water. Chapter 11 (Narrator outside) In this Tuesday 3 March, in the south of the State of California, we could see a lot of people smiled and wish: "Congratulations! ". Because today, we celebrated a marriage, and we could see the young married couple kissing and pose in front of a camera. But let us go back a little in the rear. After its fall in the water, Thomas managed to escape and lands near the Lake River City. It is at this time that he felt a violent pain at heart, he had never felt nothing of such, and he was confident that my time was arrival, because its eyes closed under the sky of New York. Two days later, he awoke to the hospital in California, once again. The police had drawn the appeal that it had spent to his parents and had thus been able to find me. It had been a little, if the police was not arrival at both, the city would today at his funeral. The police of New York and California were associated in order to regain Jennifer. But it was raining of the strings that day, there had of the wind and the current The surely had driven in the falls of water because they have never found. They searched for weeks but have finally classified the case because person would not have been able to survive a drop that. After its operation, it fell in a great depression which lasted several weeks until Sharon, the ex girlfriend of Lucas Vienna to his rescue. This whole ordeal had been very hard for him and he had finished by to contain itself on itself. Sharon has been a very great help, she was able to be there for him as a person has never been. For it also it was hard, because Lucas had also manipulated. The more they spent time together and the more they were approaching, and were finished by fall deeply in love of one another. Five years later, he found himself in front of a mirror in the process of preparing for my marriage, when my father came: "Then fiston, tu es nervous? _Yes a little. (It the AIDA to attach my node-throttle) _Do not worry, everything will go well. You'll finally be able to enjoy life. _Thanks Dad, I love you _I t also like fiston Two hours later, after having pronounced their Vows and having made the feast with their families and their friends, so they went in the direction of their limousines which would lead to the airport, because they had to spend their honeymoon in Hawaii. They came to marry and were more pleased than ever. The driver went out of the limousine and stepped up to them, but they discovered too late that this was not the driver, but Jennifer. They had no time to react or to do anything because it went out a gun and fired a shot on Thomas in the heart, but this time, it does awoke ever. The police arrived just after but it was too late, the harm was already done. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in the prison of California and could not ever get out. Sharon remarried a few years later with an old friend of the FCC and they had two children. She lived now in San Francisco. She wanted to turn the page and forget this history, but it never succeed. Each year she returned to the cemetery make a visit to Thomas and bloom his tomb, because it will be forever engraved in it, and what that it arrives, she knew that she would like always. A Past to Find (Chapters 7 and 8) Chapter 7 Three days were past since the disappearance of Jennifer. Three days in the concern and in the fear that it does him either happened something. Neither I nor the police had no index. It was as if she had vanished, she had left no trace. How all this was it arrived? How all this had he been able to produce without that person does not render account? Nicole and I continue to seek, without results. It was in an impasse. I had received a call from his disappearance, my aggressor of banked that Nicole had to stop its research where it would happen to him something. Since that I talked to him about this blue Berlin and especially since the disappearance of Jennifer, it stops more, it neglects even his job. I talked to him about the threat, I told him that she had to stop and that she had to leave me to cope but she refuses to listen to me. If ever he sometimes something this will be my fault. My father came in my room to tell me that he was going to order a dish in a restaurant, I proposed to go in its place, it was necessary that I aerates the Spirit. _said Dad, I would not have had a car accident past ? _Oh, well... It was not the time to complete his sentence because his laptop rang. Arrived at the restaurant, I commanded 3 different dishes to take away and waited that we serve me. I screws Lucas and Sharon who made me sign of approach : _Hey salvation my buddy, said Lucas, then how will the LIFE? _Not very well, Jennifer has disappeared, t as forgotten?! _excuse the, said Sharon he has no tact. Then, the police still has no clue? _Not, still not. I really concerns me for it. _I am sure that they will find it, do not worry. Sharon was really someone of friendly, I wonder what it is doing with a crazy as Lucas. My order is ready, I told them to review and took a taxi for me to go home. I was punctured, this time I could not sleep. Each time that I closed the eyes, I saw me make me pull above on this bridge, or it was the image of this car accident which I was constantly in mind. The taxi stopped, I payai him his race and came to the House. There was nobody in the lounge then I went upstairs to the first, and I heard my parents arguing, my father haussai more and more the tone : _it cannot tell him nothing do you hear me! If ever the police learns it will end up in prison! _But Thomas has the right to know! I did not have the time to hear anything else because my laptop vibra and I down to respond. _Allo? _C is Me Nicole, Thomas there it is I discovered Who was your aggressor! _What?! But it is great! Who is this? _I cannot tell you now, there has too many world around me. Agree with me to the beach to 20h. Then she hung up. I was struck not always, she had discovered that was my attacker! This nightmare would be finally finished and I'd soon Jennifer. Before to go find it, I say to my parents that I had an appointment with a few friends then I filai to the beach. I waited for 10 minutes, and then 15 and it does state still not there. And that is where I live his car parked a little further, I approchai in hoping to see but there was nobody there. I screws his laptop on the sand near large rocks, I approchai for the take and there the horror. I discovered the corpse of my godmother, full of blood. His face was pale and his lips all blue. There was a paper asked on its hands on which he was written: i t had accused. She knew too much. Suddenly my breathing accelerated, my heart beat faster and faster and more and more strong, then I lost knowledge near the corpse of my godmother. Chapter 8 I woke in a hospital room surrounded by my two parents. During a second, I thought that everything that had happened had been a horrible nightmare, and that Jennifer and Nicole were unharmed. But not seeing my parents, I knew that it was indeed the reality. They were in tears, and my mother was crying so that she sanglotait. I did not have the time to tell them anything because the police entered the House. _Hello, you remember me, I am the Inspector Davidson _Yes, hello _You were found unconscious near the corpse of your godmother, then can you tell me what happened? _And well, we had an appointment at the beach but it was not. Yet his car was parked there, then I am approached and I saw his laptop on the sand, I went to take and there I discovered the body of my godmother. _and you have not seen anyone? You have nothing noticed bizarre? _not sorry. And you have no index. _We found a word which said that we had prevented and that she knew too much, but apart from that, its killer has left no trace. His murder may be linked to the disappearance of your friend. You are on that you know nothing of the other? There, it is my father who intervened: "I hope that you are not in the process of the accuse of murder. My son just to undergo harsh trials and he needs to refit then I would ask you to let us quiet. _very well, I am going. Call me if you remember something. He then pulled out and my father did the same to go we seek to eat. My mother, she was unable to speak, the death of Nicole The have too shocked, and me also. It is dead by my fault? I could not bear it. Jennifer was kidnapped and I had no new, my godmother just die and all this is entirely my fault. I would never have of their talk of this history. The door opened, I thought that it was still the inspector but it was my doctor. _Hello, uh, I have a bad news to announce. This time, my mother relieved the head and asked him what was happening. _And well, the results of the reviews of Thomas have revealed an anomaly at the level of her heart? _A fault? Is that serious? _Yes. The bale that it has received there is 2 years has caused more damage than previously believed. And the crisis that he had yesterday evening has made things much worse. His heart is becoming more and more fragile. _Oh my god!!!! Tell me that you have a way to save my son. _We only have a solution: an open-heart operation. We have on the waiting list. Hold, c is a bipper, when it rings, you will immediately come to the hospital so that it transplante her new heart. But in the meantime it must absolutely be refit and avoid any stress. And heard everything that the doctor had to say, I thought that my heart was going to drop on the field. It was therefore for it that I had these pain at the heart, but I never worried, I thought it was the stress that was causing it. Nicole M had however recommended to go to the hospital, but I have not listened to. The doctor prescribes me pain killers and then went home us. Four days passed since the announcement of my doctor, and the bipper still had not sounded. My parents were in full preparations for the Burial of Nicole and had asked me not to get involved in for that I Refitting. But that is where my laptop rang : _Allo? Then _like that thou camest forth out of the Hospital _species of junk! You have killed! You had no reason to do that! _i t had accused, i t had said that she had to drop but you did it to thy head. Listen now to me, if you want to find Jennifer You are going to do exactly what I say to thee. You will find in your convenient a plane ticket in the direction of New York. The aircraft will fly in a few hours, when thou shalt be arrived Tu m'shalt call to the number that there on the ticket. But attention, if ever you are speaking to anyone, I swear Jennifer die in atrocious suffering and to thee I'd then, thou and thy parents! Then he hung up, and that is where my bipper rang, this ringtone which I announced that it had a heart available for me. My head began to turn. What was I supposed to do? Was I to go there or not? I had a lot questions but no response. If I was, I was going to die, but if I wasn't going in there it is Jennifer who was going to die. It is at this time that my mother came in my room. _Coucou my darling, is this going to _Uh...yes it can go. _wish, I found it in the affairs of Nicole, C is for thee. Then she walked out of the House. She came to give me a letter that Nicole had written for me. My dear Thomas, If you read this letter, is that I am dead. I do not want you feel responsible for what m is arrival, I knew very well the risks that I was somehow, but thou art my godson and it was my duty to protect yourself. I hope with all my heart that you'll find Jennifer safe and sound. Take good care of your parents. I love you, Nicole. In reading this letter, I had no more doubt, Nicole had given his life to protect me. It was my turn to protect Jennifer and my parents, and to ensure that Nicole is not dead for nothing, even if the price to pay was my life...then how is past your flight? _I want to talk to Jennifer! _a little patience, thou reverras soon. Appointment tomorrow at 21h in the Bridge of the Lake River City. And then he hung up. It had given me go to the place where I am done fired above it there is 2 years. I left in the direction of a hotel and with the money I had won, I took a room. I commanded to eat but do managed to not swallow anything. I took a shower and me slept in order to be ready for tomorrow. I had no idea of what was going to happen, but one thing was for sure, whatever happens, I would do everything to save Jennifer. The next day before leaving the hotel, I called my parents to tell them that I loved them. I still have no recollection but I know they love me and that they are doing everything possible for me. The phone bascula on the messaging. _Allo Thomas ? Answered my mother _Hi Mom _but or is that... _not let me speak. I am sorry to be party like it but I have a very good reason. There is nothing I can tell you and I do not know if I would stay here again, but I wanted to tell you you and dad that I love you. Thank you for all that you have done for me. Then I raccrochai. I knew that I had them of evil, but I did not have the choice. I came out of the hotel and took a taxi in the direction of the lake. When I arrived there, I had a strange sensation of already seen. Everything seemed to me very familiar. The more I went and I had the impression that the past was repeated. I went up the bridge and when I arrived, I screws the jacket of Jennifer blood-stained. I accrued in its direction but my attacker made his appearance. He was dressed in a big hoodie and dark glasses. A micro was connected to his mouth, surely it is thanks to it that he hides his voice. _Tien would like, he told me, as it is found. _What have you done with Jennifer? Tell me where it is? _Do not be so anxious, thou reverras soon. Ca fact so long that I expect this time. _now that there is only one, you can disclose your identity. Then he withdrew its hood and his glasses, and when I discovered his face, I do not believed not my eyes. _No, this is not possible, not thee. Chapter 10 I had the impression that this is a horrible nightmare and everything that I wanted it was wake me up. But this was not a dream, because my assailant was well there, with a gun pointed at me, and this person was none other than Jennifer. In the indicator I had lost all my means, I could not to speak or to move, I was like paralyzed. _What is happening, thou hast lost the floor? She said to me with air sneaky _then it is thou my aggressor. But this is not possible, you was in prison when I received the call, and it is you who has prevented this car to subvert me. Then why try-tu to kill me? _Do not worry, I will explain everything. On the day of your arrival I asked Lucas to darken on thee with his car and there I will arrive for te "Save". Thou hast immediately had confidence in me, but I knew that thou still had doubts. Then I put this poison in your glass and I knew we would stop me, but as the police had no physical evidence against me I have been released. I have had access to a telephone in prison, it is like that I have been able to call. And the blow of the Berlin C was still Lucas, it t as made crazy Is it not? After that I had all thy confidence. Everything would be held as I wanted to if your stupid godmother do m had not seen at the airport Book your ticket, there she knew it was me, so I had to eliminate. In fact, you do m not want too much for it? She told me all this with both of calm, as if this was not an important thing. The more she was talking and the more I had the impression that my heart was going to drop. I refused to believe it, how had she been able to make me that? And especially Why? Nicole was dead because of it, in wanting to protect me. And I came to New York for the issue. I was ready to give my life for it but what she said to me made me the effect of a bomb. I had the impression that all my world crumbled. _but why? I thought you were my friend? _I was; up to what thou détruises the life of my family. _but what are you talking about? _at Lycée you went out with my sister Kelly, but our parents refused to see you together. Then a weekend , there is all the trios fled to New York in order to be quiet this would be only a small time. We went in a box the last evening and you had too much to drink, it was raining ropes i t had said not to drive but to me thou hast not listened.. You drove like crazy and we landed at the bottom of this huge gap. My sister is dead on the blow. Thou hast begun to cross the bridge to seek relief but it was already too late. It had a weapon abandoned in the gap, then I have taken, I have followed and I pulled. I t had accused but thou hast refused to listen to me, then thou also had to die. Then I ran away and I am returned to my home, as if nothing had happened. A few days later we had found the body of Kelly, but not yours. The police t has sought everywhere without results, then thou hast been declared dead. I do not know how your parents have done, but they have made to ensure that all the world believes that it was Kelly who was driving, then when I finish with thee, I will deal with them. It was therefore for it that my parents were competing. But I had beautiful try I still could not believe it. I was completely lost. Then suddenly, several images appeared in my head, it was like a parade of Flash. And there, the memory came back to me, everything was finally clear. _there it is, I remember _unfortunately for you it is too late. It swung his weapon in the direction of my heart, then I drove on it for the take from him but the bridge collapsed under our feet and we fell all the two at the bottom of the water. Chapter 11 (Narrator outside) In this Tuesday 3 March, in the south of the State of California, we could see a lot of people smiled and wish: "Congratulations! ". Because today, we celebrated a marriage, and we could see the young married couple kissing and pose in front of a camera. But let us go back a little in the rear. After its fall in the water, Thomas managed to escape and lands near the Lake River City. It is at this time that he felt a violent pain at heart, he had never felt nothing of such, and he was confident that my time was arrival, because its eyes closed under the sky of New York. Two days later, he awoke to the hospital in California, once again. The police had drawn the appeal that it had spent to his parents and had thus been able to find me. It had been a little, if the police was not arrival at both, the city would today at his funeral. The police of New York and California were associated in order to regain Jennifer. But it was raining of the strings that day, there had of the wind and the current The surely had driven in the falls of water because they have never found. They searched for weeks but have finally classified the case because person would not have been able to survive a drop that. After its operation, it fell in a great depression which lasted several weeks until Sharon, the ex girlfriend of Lucas Vienna to his rescue. This whole ordeal had been very hard for him and he had finished by to contain itself on itself. Sharon has been a very great help, she was able to be there for him as a person has never been. For it also it was hard, because Lucas had also manipulated. The more they spent time together and the more they were approaching, and were finished by fall deeply in love of one another. Five years later, he found himself in front of a mirror in the process of preparing for my marriage, when my father came: "Then fiston, tu es nervous? _Yes a little. (It the AIDA to attach my node-throttle) _Do not worry, everything will go well. You'll finally be able to enjoy life. _Thanks Dad, I love you _I t also like fiston Two hours later, after having pronounced their Vows and having made the feast with their families and their friends, so they went in the direction of their limousines which would lead to the airport, because they had to spend their honeymoon in Hawaii. They came to marry and were more pleased than ever. The driver went out of the limousine and stepped up to them, but they discovered too late that this was not the driver, but Jennifer. They had no time to react or to do anything because it went out a gun and fired a shot on Thomas in the heart, but this time, it does awoke ever. The police arrived just after but it was too late, the harm was already done. She was sentenced to life imprisonment in the prison of California and could not ever get out. Sharon remarried a few years later with an old friend of the FCC and they had two children. She lived now in San Francisco. She wanted to turn the page and forget this history, but it never succeed. Each year she returned to the cemetery make a visit to Thomas and bloom his tomb, because it will be forever engraved in it, and what that it arrives, she knew that she would like always. A Past to Find (Chapters 7 and 8) Chapter 7 Three days were past since the disappearance of Jennifer. Three days in the concern and in the fear that it does him either happened something. Neither I nor the police had no index. It was as if she had vanished, she had left no trace. How all this was it arrived? How all this had he been able to produce without that person does not render account? Nicole and I continue to seek, without results. It was in an impasse. I had received a call from his disappearance, my aggressor of banked that Nicole had to stop its research where it would happen to him something. Since that I talked to him about this blue Berlin and especially since the disappearance of Jennifer, it stops more, it neglects even his job. I talked to him about the threat, I told him that she had to stop and that she had to leave me to cope but she refuses to listen to me. If ever he sometimes something this will be my fault. My father came in my room to tell me that he was going to order a dish in a restaurant, I proposed to go in its place, it was necessary that I aerates the Spirit. _said Dad, I would not have had a car accident past ? _Oh, well... It was not the time to complete his sentence because his laptop rang. Arrived at the restaurant, I commanded 3 different dishes to take away and waited that we serve me. I screws Lucas and Sharon who made me sign of approach : _Hey salvation my buddy, said Lucas, then how will the LIFE? _Not very well, Jennifer has disappeared, t as forgotten?! _excuse the, said Sharon he has no tact. Then, the police still has no clue? _Not, still not. I really concerns me for it. _I am sure that they will find it, do not worry. Sharon was really someone of friendly, I wonder what it is doing with a crazy as Lucas. My order is ready, I told them to review and took a taxi for me to go home. I was punctured, this time I could not sleep. Each time that I closed the eyes, I saw me make me pull above on this bridge, or it was the image of this car accident which I was constantly in mind. The taxi stopped, I payai him his race and came to the House. There was nobody in the lounge then I went upstairs to the first, and I heard my parents arguing, my father haussai more and more the tone : _it cannot tell him nothing do you hear me! If ever the police learns it will end up in prison! _But Thomas has the right to know! I did not have the time to hear anything else because my laptop vibra and I down to respond. _Allo? _C is Me Nicole, Thomas there it is I discovered Who was your aggressor! _What?! But it is great! Who is this? _I cannot tell you now, there has too many world around me. Agree with me to the beach to 20h. Then she hung up. I was struck not always, she had discovered that was my attacker! This nightmare would be finally finished and I'd soon Jennifer. Before to go find it, I say to my parents that I had an appointment with a few friends then I filai to the beach. I waited for 10 minutes, and then 15 and it does state still not there. And that is where I live his car parked a little further, I approchai in hoping to see but there was nobody there. I screws his laptop on the sand near large rocks, I approchai for the take and there the horror. I discovered the corpse of my godmother, full of blood. His face was pale and his lips all blue. There was a paper asked on its hands on which he was written: i t had accused. She knew too much. Suddenly my breathing accelerated, my heart beat faster and faster and more and more strong, then I lost knowledge near the corpse of my godmother. Chapter 8 I woke in a hospital room surrounded by my two parents. During a second, I thought that everything that had happened had been a horrible nightmare, and that Jennifer and Nicole were unharmed. But not seeing my parents, I knew that it was indeed the reality. They were in tears, and my mother was crying so that she sanglotait. I did not have the time to tell them anything because the police entered the House. _Hello, you remember me, I am the Inspector Davidson _Yes, hello _You were found unconscious near the corpse of your godmother, then can you tell me what happened? _And well, we had an appointment at the beach but it was not. Yet his car was parked there, then I am approached and I saw his laptop on the sand, I went to take and there I discovered the body of my godmother. _and you have not seen anyone? You have nothing noticed bizarre? _not sorry. And you have no index. _We found a word which said that we had prevented and that she knew too much, but apart from that, its killer has left no trace. His murder may be linked to the disappearance of your friend. You are on that you know nothing of the other? There, it is my father who intervened: "I hope that you are not in the process of the accuse of murder. My son just to undergo harsh trials and he needs to refit then I would ask you to let us quiet. _very well, I am going. Call me if you remember something. He then pulled out and my father did the same to go we seek to eat. My mother, she was unable to speak, the death of Nicole The have too shocked, and me also. It is dead by my fault? I could not bear it. Jennifer was kidnapped and I had no new, my godmother just die and all this is entirely my fault. I would never have of their talk of this history. The door opened, I thought that it was still the inspector but it was my doctor. _Hello, uh, I have a bad news to announce. This time, my mother relieved the head and asked him what was happening. _And well, the results of the reviews of Thomas have revealed an anomaly at the level of her heart? _A fault? Is that serious? _Yes. The bale that it has received there is 2 years has caused more damage than previously believed. And the crisis that he had yesterday evening has made things much worse. His heart is becoming more and more fragile. _Oh my god!!!! Tell me that you have a way to save my son. _We only have a solution: an open-heart operation. We have on the waiting list. Hold, c is a bipper, when it rings, you will immediately come to the hospital so that it transplante her new heart. But in the meantime it must absolutely be refit and avoid any stress. And heard everything that the doctor had to say, I thought that my heart was going to drop on the field. It was therefore for it that I had these pain at the heart, but I never worried, I thought it was the stress that was causing it. Nicole M had however recommended to go to the hospital, but I have not listened to. The doctor prescribes me pain killers and then went home us. Four days passed since the announcement of my doctor, and the bipper still had not sounded. My parents were in full preparations for the Burial of Nicole and had asked me not to get involved in for that I Refitting. But that is where my laptop rang : _Allo? Then _like that thou camest forth out of the Hospital _species of junk! You have killed! You had no reason to do that! _i t had accused, i t had said that she had to drop but you did it to thy head. Listen now to me, if you want to find Jennifer You are going to do exactly what I say to thee. You will find in your convenient a plane ticket in the direction of New York. The aircraft will fly in a few hours, when thou shalt be arrived Tu m'shalt call to the number that there on the ticket. But attention, if ever you are speaking to anyone, I swear Jennifer die in atrocious suffering and to thee I'd then, thou and thy parents! Then he hung up, and that is where my bipper rang, this ringtone which I announced that it had a heart available for me. My head began to turn. What was I supposed to do? Was I to go there or not? I had a lot questions but no response. If I was, I was going to die, but if I wasn't going in there it is Jennifer who was going to die. It is at this time that my mother came in my room. _Coucou my darling, is this going to _Uh...yes it can go. _wish, I found it in the affairs of Nicole, C is for thee. Then she walked out of the House. She came to give me a letter that Nicole had written for me. My dear Thomas, If you read this letter, is that I am dead. I do not want you feel responsible for what m is arrival, I knew very well the risks that I was somehow, but thou art my godson and it was my duty to protect yourself. I hope with all my heart that you'll find Jennifer safe and sound. Take good care of your parents. I love you, Nicole. In reading this letter, I had no more doubt, Nicole had given his life to protect me. It was my turn to protect Jennifer and my parents, and to ensure that Nicole is not dead for nothing, even if the price to pay was my life...